Patient History
To add information to the Patient's History, follow the steps below and do not forget to complete the required fields (*).
Open the created record.
Open the saved record.
Then click
To create Immunization Reactions
If you have DoctorHelper’s app installed in your cellphone, click on
The barcode will be completed in the UDI field
Problem List
- Problem List: To add a Patient's Problem, click “+ New Problem List".
- Complete the Patient's Problem. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Health Problem: Select Patient's Health Problem from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Severity: Severe, Moderate y Mild
- Body Site: Select Problem's Body Site from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Complication: Select Problem's Complication from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- (*) Clinical Status: Select Problem's Clinical Status from these values: Active, Inactive, Recurrence, Remission or Resolved
- Onset Date: Enter Problem's Onset Date. If the "Onset Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- Context Type: Select Problem's Context Type from these values: Encounter or Episode Of Care
- Description: Enter Problem's Description
- Click “Save and Close”.
Open the created record.
- Problem Stages: To add a Problem Stage, click “+ New Problem Stage"
- Complete the Problem's Stage. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record.
- (*) Summary: Select Problem Stage's Summary from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- (*) Type: Select Problem Stage's Type from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- (*) Summary: Select Problem Stage's Summary from the look up list (click
- Click “Save and Close”.
Medication List
- Medication List: To add a Patient's Medications, click " + New Medication List".
- Complete the Patient's Medication. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record.
- Self-Reported: Select from values: Yes or No.
- (*) Medication Reference: Select Patient's Medication from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- (*) Medication Status: Select Medication Status from these values: Active, Cancel Denied, Cancel Pending, Cancel Requested, Cancelled, Changed, Completed, Deleted or Discontinued.
- Medication Type: Select Medication's Type from these values: Generic RX or Brand Name. This field will be hide if the “Self-Reported” value is Yes.
- Effective Date Time: Enter Medication's Effective Date Time. This field will be hide if the “Self-Reported” value is Yes.
- Quantity Dosage: Enter Medication's Quantity Dosage.
- Unit: Select Medication's Unit from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Frequency: Select Medication's Frequency from these values: Every day, Twice a day, Three time a day or Four times a day. This field will be hide if the “Self-Reported” value is Yes.
- Dose: Enter Medication’s Dose.
- Days’ Supply: Enter Medication's Days' Supply.
- (-) Form: This field will be autocompleted after the "Medication Reference" is selected.
- (-) Medication Route: This field will be autocompleted after the "Medication Reference" is selected.
- Description: Enter Medication's Description.
- Written Date: Enter Medication's Written Date. If the "Written Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- Inactive Date: Enter Medication's Inactive Date. If the "Inactive Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed.
- Click “Save and Close”.
Preferred Medication
- Preferred Medication: To add a Patient's Preferred Medication, click “+ New Preferred Drug List".
- Complete the Patient's Preferred Medication. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Medication: Select Patient's Medication from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Quantity Dosage: Enter Medication's Quantity Dosage
- Unit: Select Medication's Unit from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Frequency: Select Medication's Frequency from these values: Every day, Twice a day, Three time a day or Four times a day
- Dose: Enter Medication’s Dose
- Period (days): Enter Period Days'.
- Medication Status: Select the Medication Status from these values: Active, Cancel Denied, Cancel Pending, Cancel Requested, Cancelled, Changed, Completed, Deleted, Discontinued, Prescribed.
- Effective Date Time: Select the Date
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) Medication: Select Patient's Medication from the look up list (click
- Allergies: To add a Patient's Allergy, click “+ New Allergy".
- Complete the Patient's Allergy. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Allergy: Select Patient's Allergy Intolerance from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- (*) Allergy Date: Enter Allergy Date. If the "Onset Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- (*) Verification Status: Select Verification Status from these values: Active, Inactive or Deleted
- (*) Reaction: Enter Reaction.
- (*) Reaction Type: Select Reaction Type from these values: Allergy or Adverse Reaction
- (*) Critically: Select Critically from these values: Low Risk, High Risk or Unable to Assess Risk
- Click “Save and Close”.
Family History
- Family History: To add a Patient's Family History, click " + New Family History".
- Complete the Patient's Family Member. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Family Member: Select Patient's Family Member from the look up list (click
or press Enter). If the family member does not exist, you can create a new one of type Potential Patient following the next steps:
- Click “+ New Contact”.
- (*) Family Member: Select Patient's Family Member from the look up list (click
- Then in the Contact Type field, click “Potential Patient” and fill out all fields, remember that fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record.
- (*) Relative: Select Relative from these values: Father, Mother or Sibling
- Age
- Deceased: Select Deceased from these values: Yes or No
- If you select Yes, complete: Deceased Date and Cause of death
- Family Status: Select the Family Status
- Click “Save and Close”.
Open the saved record.
Then click
- Problem List: To add a Family Member's Problem List, click
then " + New Problem List"
- Complete the Family Member's Problem List. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Health Problem: Select Family Member's Health Problem from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Severity: Select Problem's Severity from these values: Mild, Moderate or Severe
- Body Site: Select Problem's Body Site from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Complication: Select Problem’s Complication from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Clinical Status: Select Problem's Clinical Status from these values: Active, Inactive, Recurrence, Remission or Resolved
- Onset Date: Enter Problem's Onset Date
- Context Type: Select Problem's Context Date from these values: Encounter or Episode of Care
- Description: Select Problem's Description.
- (*) Health Problem: Select Family Member's Health Problem from the look up list (click
- Complete the Family Member's Problem List. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- Immunizations: To add a Patient's Immunization, click " + New Immunization List".
- Complete the Patient's Immunization. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Vaccine: Select Patient's Vaccine from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Primary Source: Select Immunization's Primary Source from these values: Yes or No.
- (*) Immunization Status: Select Immunization's Status from these values: Completed, Entered in Error or Not Done
- Occurrence: Entered Immunization's Occurrence Date
- Report Origin: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Select Immunization's Report Origin from these values: Other Provider, Written Record, Parent/Guard/Patient Recall or School Record
- Site: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Select Immunization's Site from these values: Nasal or Left Arm or Right Arm
- Quantity (mL): If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Enter Immunization's Dose Quantity
- Performed: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Select Immunization's Performed from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Lot Number: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Enter the Vaccine Lot Number
- Expiration Date: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Enter the Vaccine Expiration Date
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) Vaccine: Select Patient's Vaccine from the look up list (click
To create Immunization Reactions
- Open the saved record.
- Then click
and Reactions: To add an Immunization's Reactions, click “+ New Immunization Reactions."
- Complete the Immunization Reactions. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Date: Enter Immunization Reaction Date
- (*) Detail: Enter Immunization Reaction Detail
- Reported: Select from these values: Yes or No
- Click “Save and Close”.
- Complete the Immunization Reactions. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
Functional Status List
- Functional Status Lists: To add a Patient's Functional Status, click " + New Functional Status List".
- Complete the Patient's Functional Status. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Functional Status (SNOMED Code by Description): Enter Patient's Functional Status.
- Observation Date. Enter Observation Date. If the "Observation Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- Click “Save and Close”.
Mental Status List
- Mental Status Lists: To add a Patient's Mental Status, click “+ New Mental Status List".
- Complete the Patient's Mental Status. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Mental Status (SNOMED Code by Description): Enter Patient's Mental Status.
- Effective Date. Enter Effective Date. If the "Effective Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed.
- Click “Save and Close”.
- Devices: To add a Patient's Device, click + New Device".
- Complete the Patient's Device. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) UDI: Enter Patient's Device UDI. After the UDI is filled all the Device fields will automatically completed. For example:
- (01)10884521062856(11)141231(17)150707(10)A213B1(21)1234
- =/08717648200274=,000025=A99971312345600=>014032=}013032&,1000000000000XYZ123
- =/A9999XYZ100T0944=,000025=A99971312345600=>014032=}013032&,1000000000000XYZ123
- +H123PARTNO1234567890120/$$420020216LOT123456789012345/SXYZ456789012345678/16D20130202C
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) UDI: Enter Patient's Device UDI. After the UDI is filled all the Device fields will automatically completed. For example:
If you have DoctorHelper’s app installed in your cellphone, click on
The barcode will be completed in the UDI field
- (-) Patient: This field will be autocompleted.
- Location: Select Device Location from the lookup list (click
or press Enter)
- (-) Expiration Date: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Version or Model: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) HCT/P: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) What MRI safety info. does the labeling contain? This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device Identifier: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device Manufacturing Date: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Company Name: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Serial Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Lot Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Brand Name: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device Description: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device required to be labeled as containing natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) SNOMED CT Description: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) MPHO Lot Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Donation Identification Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- Device Status: Select device status from these values: Active, Inactive, Unknown, Entered-in-error.