Medical Orders
To add information to the patient's Medical Orders, follow the steps below and do not forget to complete the required fields (*).
Medication (ePrescription)
- Complete the Medical Order information. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before saving the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Request Type: Select “Medication Order”
Now enter the medicine information.
Medical Order Information
- (-) Order Via: Please select “e-Prescribe” or “e-Prescribe/Print” value from the list.
These fields will be displayed:
- Patient Pharmacies: If the Patient has a Preferred Pharmacy Click on “Patient Pharmacy” and select one. If the Patient has configured a Preferred Pharmacy as Primary, this Pharmacy will be selected by default.
- Pharmacy: You can search a Pharmacy by name, specialty, geography or by Zip Code
- Preferred Pharmacy: Select Yes if you want to configure the selected pharmacy as preferred.
- Pharmacy Notes: Enter the Pharmacy notes that will be send to the pharmacy.
- (*) Medication: Select one from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter). Or look for Medical Reference by name or by code.
- Preferred Medication: Select Yes or No if you want to configure the selected medication as
- (-) Medication Status: By default, this field is configured with “Active”
- (*) Preferred Medication: If the Patient has a Preferred Medication, select it from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter)
- Effective Date Time: Select the date
- (*) Description (Spelled out clearly in proper English do not use abbreviations): enter some instructions related with the prescription.
- Reason Order: Enter a reason order.
- Substitutions: Select Yes or No
- (*) Refill: Enter the Medication’s refills allowed.
- (*) Quantity Dosage: Enter the Medication’s Quantity Dosage
- (*) Dispense Unit: This field will be auto completed if you want to change it select one from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter)
- (*) Frequency: Select Medication Frequency from these values: Every day, Twice a day, Three times a day, Four times a day
- Dose: Enter Medication Dose
- Days’ Supply: Type the number of days.
- Click on Save
- Click on Refresh button
- Check the e-Prescribe Status.
- The DoseSpot window will open
Drugs-Dugs Allergies Interaction
- In DoseSpot IFRAME you can validate the Patient’s allergies.
Before you send the Prescription, you can change it. Click on Medical Order Information and change the prescription information.
- Click on the item and then click on Approve and Send button. Enter your PIN number then click on Submit.
- Now you can see the Status Medication.
Click on Refresh button
Click on “Update ePresc Status”
The prescription Status will changed
To complete the Medical Order, click on “Complete”
Click on Save & Close
The medication will be included in Patient History
Medication (Printed)
- Complete the Medical Order information. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before saving the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Request Type: Select “Medication Order”
Now enter the medicine information.
Medical Order Information
- (-) Order Via: Please select “Print” or “Handwritten” value from the list.
- (*) Medication: Select one from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter). Or look for Medical Reference by name or by code.
- Preferred Medication: Select Yes or No if you want to configure the selected medication as
- (-) Medication Status: By default, this field is configured with “Active”
- (*) Preferred Medication: If the Patient has a Preferred Medication, select it from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter)
- Effective Date Time: Select the date
- (*) Description (Spelled out clearly in proper English do not use abbreviations): enter some instructions related with the prescription.
- Reason Order: Enter a reason order.
- Substitutions: Select Yes or No
- (*) Refill: Enter the Medication’s refills allowed.
- (*) Quantity Dosage: Enter the Medication’s Quantity Dosage
- (*) Dispense Unit: This field will be auto completed if you want to change it select one from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter)
- (*) Frequency: Select Medication Frequency from these values: Every day, Twice a day, Three times a day, Four times a day
- Dose: Enter Medication Dose
- Days’ Supply: Type the number of days.
- Click on Save
Click on Save & Close
The medication will be included in Patient History
Laboratory Order (Printed)
- Complete the Medical Order information. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before saving the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Request Type: Select “Laboratory Order”
Now enter the laboratory order information.
Medical Order Information
- (-) Order Via: Please select “Print” or “Handwritten” value from the list.
- (*) Laboratory: Select one from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter). Or look for Laboratory Order by name or by code.
- (*) Description (Spelled out clearly in proper English do not use abbreviations): enter some instructions related with the prescription.
- Reason Order: Enter a reason order.
- Click on Save
Click on Save & Close
The laboratory order will be included in Patient History
Procedure or Image Diagnostic Order (Printed)
- Complete the Medical Order information. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before saving the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Request Type: Select “Procedure or Image Diagnostic Order”
Now enter the procedure or image diagnostic order information.
Medical Order Information
- (-) Order Via: Please select “Print” or “Handwritten” value from the list.
- (*) Procedure/Image: Select one from the lookup list (click on
or click on enter). Or look for Procedure/Image Order by name or by code.
- (*) Description (Spelled out clearly in proper English do not use abbreviations): enter some instructions related with the prescription.
- Reason Order: Enter a reason order.
- Click on Save
To complete the Medical Order, click on “Complete”
Click on Save & Close
The procedure will be included in Patient History