Other Information
To add information in Other Information section, follow the steps below and do not forget to complete the required fields (*).
- Insurance: To add a Patient's Insurance, click "+ New Patient Insurance".
- Complete the Patient's Insurance. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Insurance: Select Patient's Insurance from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Payer Id: Select Patient's Insurance Payer Id.
- Description: Enter other information.
- Click “Save and Close”.
Patient Flags
- Patient Flags: To add a Patient's Flag, click "+ New Patient Flag".
- Complete the Patient's Flags. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Patient Flag: Select Patient's Flag from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Description: Enter other information
If the Patient Flag does not exist, click “New Patient Flag”.
Preferred Pharmacies
- Preferred Pharmacies: To add a Patient's Preferred Pharmacy, click “+ New Preferred Pharmacy".
- Complete the Patient's Preferred Pharmacy. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Pharmacy: Select Patient's Preferred Pharmacy from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Set as Primary: Select Set as Primary from these values: Yes or No.
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) Pharmacy: Select Patient's Preferred Pharmacy from the look up list (click