Medical History
Medical History
To add information to the patient's Medical History, follow the steps below and do not forget to complete the required fields (*).
Problem List
- Problem List: To add a Patient's Problem, click the first icon on the right and then click “+ New Problem List".
- Complete the Patient's Problem. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Health Problem: Select Patient's Health Problem from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Severity: Severe, Moderate y Mild.
- Body Site: Select Problem's Body Site from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Complication: Select Problem's Complication from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- (*) Clinical Status: Select Problem's Clinical Status from these values: Active, Inactive, Recurrence, Remission or Resolved.
- Onset Date: Enter Problem's Onset Date. If the "Onset Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- Context Type: Select Problem's Context Type from these values: Encounter or Episode Of Care.
- Description: Enter Problem's Description.
- Click “Save and Close”.
Open the created record.
To access Medical History Information, select the record and click “Edit”.
- Problem Stages: To add a Problem Stage, click “+ New Problem Stage".
- Complete the Problem's Stage. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record.
- (*) Summary: Select Problem Stage's Summary from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- (*) Type: Select Problem Stage's Type from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- (*) Summary: Select Problem Stage's Summary from the look up list (click
- Click “Click “Save and Close”.”
Medication List
- Medication List: To add a Patient's Medications, click the second icon on the right and then click " + New Medication List".
Complete the Patient's Medication. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record.
- Self-Reported: Select from values: Yes or No.
- (*) Medication Reference: Select Patient's Medication from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- (*) Medication Status: Select Medication Status from these values: Active, Cancel Denied, Cancel Pending, Cancel Requested, Cancelled, Changed, Completed, Deleted or Discontinued.
- Medication Type: Select Medication's Type from these values: Generic RX or Brand Name. This field will be hide if the “Self-Reported” value is Yes.
- Effective Date Time: Enter Medication's Effective Date Time. This field will be hide if the “Self-Reported” value is Yes.
- Quantity Dosage: Enter Medication's Quantity Dosage.
- Unit: Select Medication's Unit from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Frequency: Select Medication's Frequency from these values: Every day, Twice a day, Three time a day or Four times a day. This field will be hide if the “Self-Reported” value is Yes.
- Dose: Enter Medication’s Dose.
- Days’ Supply: Enter Medication's Days' Supply.
- (-) Form: This field will be autocompleted after the "Medication Reference" is selected.
- (-) Medication Route: This field will be autocompleted after the "Medication Reference" is selected.
- Description: Enter Medication's Description.
- Written Date: Enter Medication's Written Date. If the "Written Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- Inactive Date: Enter Medication's Inactive Date. If the "Inactive Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed.
- Click “Save and Close”.
Preferred Medications
- Preferred Medication: To add a Patient's Preferred Medication, click the third icon on the right and then click “+ New Preferred Drug List".
- Complete the Patient's Preferred Medication. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Medication: Select Patient's Medication from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Quantity Dosage: Enter Medication's Quantity Dosage.
- Unit: Select Medication's Unit from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Frequency: Select Medication's Frequency from these values: Every day, Twice a day, Three time a day or Four times a day.
- Dose: Enter Medication’s Dose.
- Period (days): Enter Period Days'.
- Medication Status: Select the Medication Status from these values: Active, Cancel Denied, Cancel Pending, Cancel Requested, Cancelled, Changed, Completed, Deleted, Discontinued, Prescribed.
- Effective Date Time: Select the Date.
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) Medication: Select Patient's Medication from the look up list (click
- Allergies: To add a Patient's Allergy, click the fourth icon on the right and then click “+ New Allergy".
- Complete the Patient's Allergy. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Allergy: Select Patient's Allergy Intolerance from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- (*) Allergy Date: Enter Allergy Date. If the "Onset Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- (*) Verification Status: Select Verification Status from these values: Active, Inactive or Deleted
- (*) Reaction: Enter Reaction.
- (*) Reaction Type: Select Reaction Type from these values: Allergy or Adverse Reaction
- (*) Critically: Select Critically from these values: Low Risk, High Risk or Unable to Assess Risk
- Click “Save and Close”.
Family History
- Family History: To add a Patient's Family History, click the fifth icon on the right and then click " + New Family History".
- Complete the Patient's Family Member. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Family Member: Select Patient's Family Member from the look up list (click
or press Enter). If the family member does not exist, you can create a new one of type Potential Patient following the next steps:
- Click “+ New Contact”.
- (*) Family Member: Select Patient's Family Member from the look up list (click
- Then in the Contact Type field, click “Potential Patient” and fill out all fields, remember that fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record.
- (*) Relative: Select Relative from these values: Father, Mother or Sibling.
- Age.
- Deceased: Select Deceased from these values: Yes or No.
- If you select Yes, complete: Deceased Date and Cause of death.
- Family Status: Select the Family Status.
- Click “Save and Close”.
To access Medical History Information, select the record and click “Edit”.
- Problem List: To add Family Member's Problem List, click
and then " + New Problem List".
- Complete the Family Member's Problem List. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Health Problem: Select Family Member's Health Problem from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Severity: Select Problem's Severity from these values: Mild, Moderate or Severe.
- Body Site: Select Problem's Body Site from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Complication: Select Problem’s Complication from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- ClinicalStatus: Select Problem's Clinical Status from these values: Active, Inactive, Recurrence, Remission or Resolved.
- Onset Date: Enter Problem's Onset Date.
- Context Type: Select Problem's Context Date from these values: Encounter or Episode of Care.
- Description: Select Problem's Description.
- (*) Health Problem: Select Family Member's Health Problem from the look up list (click
- Complete the Family Member's Problem List. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- Immunizations: To add a Patient's Immunization, click the sixth icon on the right and then click " + New Immunization List".
- Complete the Patient's Immunization. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Vaccine: Select Patient's Vaccine from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Primary Source: Select Immunization's Primary Source from these values: Yes or No.
- (*) Immunization Status: Select Immunization's Status from these values: Completed, Entered in Error or Not Done.
- Occurrence: Entered Immunization's Occurrence Date.
- Report Origin: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Select Immunization's Report Origin from these values: Other Provider, Written Record, Parent/Guard/Patient Recall or School Record.
- Site: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Select Immunization's Site from these values: Nasal or Left Arm or Right Arm.
- Quantity (mL): If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Enter Immunization's Dose Quantity.
- Performed: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Select Immunization's Performed from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Lot Number: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Enter the Vaccine Lot Number.
- Expiration Date: If the value of the "Primary Source" us "Yes" this field will be displayed. Enter the Vaccine Expiration Date.
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) Vaccine: Select Patient's Vaccine from the look up list (click
To create Immunization Reactions
- Open the saved record.
- Then click
Reactions: To add an Immunization's Reactions, click “+ New Immunization Reactions."
- Complete the Immunization Reactions. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Date: Enter Immunization Reaction Date.
- (*) Detail: Enter Immunization Reaction Detail.
- Reported: Select from these values: Yes or No.
- Click “Save and Close”.
- Complete the Immunization Reactions. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
Functional Status List
- Functional Status List: To add a Patient's Functional Status, click the seventh icon on the right and then click " + New Functional Status List".
- Complete the Patient's Functional Status. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Functional Status (SNOMED Code by Description): Enter Patient's Functional Status.
- Observation Date. Enter Observation Date. If the "Observation Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- Click “Save and Close”.
Mental Status List
- Mental Status List: To add a Patient's Mental Status, click the eighth icon on the right and then click “+ New Mental Status List".
- Complete the Patient's Mental Status. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Mental Status (SNOMED Code by Description): Enter Patient's Mental Status.
- Effective Date. Enter Effective Date. If the "Effective Date" is greater than today an error will be displayed
- Click “Save and Close”.
- Devices: To add a Patient's Device, click on the last icon on the right and then click “+ New Device".
- Complete the Patient's Device. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) UDI: Enter Patient's Device UDI. After the UDI is filled all the Device fields will automatically completed. For example:
- (01)10884521062856(11)141231(17)150707(10)A213B1(21)1234
- =/08717648200274=,000025=A99971312345600=>014032=}013032&,1000000000000XYZ123
- =/A9999XYZ100T0944=,000025=A99971312345600=>014032=}013032&,1000000000000XYZ123
- +H123PARTNO1234567890120/$$420020216LOT123456789012345/SXYZ456789012345678/16D20130202C
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) UDI: Enter Patient's Device UDI. After the UDI is filled all the Device fields will automatically completed. For example:
If you have DoctorHelper’s app installed in your cellphone, click on
The barcode will be completed in the UDI field
- (-) Patient: This field will be autocompleted.
- Location: Select Device Location from the lookup list (click
or press Enter)
- (-) Expiration Date: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Version or Model: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) HCT/P: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) What MRI safety infor. does the labeling contain? This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device Identifier: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device Manufacturing Date: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Company Name: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Serial Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Lot Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Brand Name: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device Description: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Device required to be labeled as containing natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) SNOMED CT Description: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) MPHO Lot Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- (-) Donation Identification Number: This field will be autocompleted.
- Device Status: Select device status from these values: Active, Inactive, Unknown, Entered-in-error.
To create the Patient’s Procedures, click the tab “Procedures” and follow the steps below:
Procedures & Diagnostic Images
- Procedures & Diagnostic Images: To add a Patient's Procedures and Diagnostic Images, click “+ New Procedure List”.
- Complete the Patient's Procedure. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Medical Procedure: Select Patient's Medical Procedure from the look up list (click
or press Enter)
- Ordered By: Click
and look for Ordered By
- (*) Procedure Date: Select the Procedure Date
- (*) Order Status: Select Procedure's Order Status from these values: Pending, Canceled or Completed
- Description: Enter Procedure's Description
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) Medical Procedure: Select Patient's Medical Procedure from the look up list (click
Laboratory Order List
- Complete the Patient's Laboratory Order. Fields with (*) are required fields and must be completed before save the record. Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- (*) Lab Order: Select Patient's Laboratory Order from the look up list (click
or press Enter).
- Date: Enter Lab Order's Date.
- Performed: Enter Laboratory Name
- Order Status: Select Lab Order's Order Status from these values: Pending, Canceled or Completed
- Description: Enter Lab Order's Description
- Click “Save and Close”.
- (*) Lab Order: Select Patient's Laboratory Order from the look up list (click
Pending Internal Procedures
- Pending Internal Procedures: Here you can find all the procedures that the patient has pending to be performed within the same clinic. This information is created during the appointment process.
Completed Internal Procedures
- Completed Internal Procedures: Here you can find all the internal procedures completed within the same clinic. This information is created during the appointment process.