To create a new Patient, you must follow the next steps:
In the DoctorHelper®’s app, select the Site map icon , and then click Patient
- Click
to Create Patient at the top of the Ribbon.
- The Patient form will be opened.
Enter the Patient information, at least complete all required fields (*). Fields marked with (-) are autocompleted.
- Personal Information
- (-) Medical Record Number: The Patient's Medical Record Number will be completed when the record is saved.
- (-) Patient Id: This field will be autocompleted when the record is saved.
- (*) Contact Type: This field must be configured with the value "Patient."
- Prefix: Enter Patient's Prefix.
- (*) First Name: Enter Patient's First Name.
- Middle Name: Enter Patient's Middle Name.
- (*) Last Name: Enter Patient's Last Name.
- Suffix: Enter Patient's Suffix.
- Previous Name: Enter Patient's Previous Name.
- Nickname: Enter Patient's Nickname.
- (*) Birth Sex: Select Patient's birth sex from these values: Female, Male or Unknown.
- (*) Date of Birth: Enter Patient's Birthday.
- (-) Birth Months: This field will be calculated after the record is saved. This field will be displayed if the field "Patient Age" is less than 1 year.
- Responsible Person: If the age is less than 13 years you can enter a Responsible Person.
- Relationship: Enter relationship with patient.
- (-) Patient Age: This field will be calculated after the record is saved. If the patient's age is less than 1 year this field will not be displayed.
- Patient Information
- (-) Last Visit: This field will be completed after the Patient assist to an Appointment.
- Preferred Practitioner: Select Patient's Preferred. Practitioner from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Emergency Contact: Enter Patient's Emergency Contact.
- Emergency Phone: Enter Emergency Contact's Emergency Phone
- Birth 36 Moths
- Weight-For-Length Percentile: This field will be displayed if the field "Patient Age" is less than 3 years. Enter Patient's Weight-For-Length Percentile.
- Head Occipital-Frontal Circumference: This field will be displayed if the field "Patient Age" is less than 3 years. Enter Patient's Head Occipital-Frontal Circumference.
- Vitals Information
- RH Blood Group: Select Patient's Blood Group from these values: A-, A+, AB-, AB+, B-, B+, O- or O+.
- (*) Weight (lb.): Enter the Patient´s weight in lb.
- (-) Prev. Weight: This field will be autocompleted with previous weight value.
- Height Inches? Select this option if you want to enter the height in Inches.
- (*) Height in Inches: If you chose
complete this field.
- (*) Height (ft): It will be completed automatically once you type Height in Inches.
- Personal Information
- (*) Height (In): It will be completed automatically once you type Height in Inches.
- Demographic Information
- Preferred Language: Select Patient's Preferred Language from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- What is your current gender identity? Select Patient’s from these values: Male, Female, Transgender male/Trans man/Female-to-male, Transgender female/Trans woman/Male-to-female, Genderqueer, neither exclusively male nor female, Additional gender category/ (or other) or Decline to answer.
- Please describe: This field will be displayed if the field "What is your current gender identity?" is "Transgender male/Trans man/Female-to-male", "Transgender female/Trans woman/Male-to-female", "Genderqueer, neither exclusively male nor female", "Additional gender category (or other)".
- Do you think of yourself as? Select from these values: Bisexual, Don't Know, Lesbian, gay or homosexual, something else, Straight or heterosexual or decline to answer.
- Preferred Pronoun: Select from these values: He or She
- Please specify: This field will be displayed if the field "Do you think of yourself as?" is "Bisexual", "Don't Know", "Lesbian", "gay or homosexual" or "Something else".
- Marital Status: Select Patient's Marital Status from these values: Annulled, Divorced, Domestic Partner, Interlocutory, Legally Separated, Married, Never Married, Polygamous, Single, Unknown, Unmarried or Widowed.
- Race: Select Patient's Race from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Race Detail: This field will be displayed if the field "Race" contains data. Select Race Detail from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Add Extra Race: This field will be displayed if the field "Race" contains data. Select Add Extra Race from these values: Yes or No.
- Extra Race: This field will be displayed if the field "Add Extra Race" is "Yes". Select Patient's Extra Race from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Extra Race Detail: This field will be displayed if the field "Add Extra Race" is "Yes". Select Extra Race Detail from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Ethnicity: Select Patient's Ethnicity from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Ethnicity Detail: This field will be displayed if the field "Ethnicity" contains data. Select Ethnicity Detail from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Add Extra Ethnicity Detail: This field will be displayed if the field "Ethnicity" contains data. Select Add Ethnicity Detail from these values: Yes or No.
- Extra Ethnicity Detail: This field will be displayed if the field "Add Extra Ethnicity Detail" is equal to "Yes".
- Preferred Language: Select Patient's Preferred Language from the lookup list (click
- Social History
- Occupation: Enter Patient's Occupation.
- Exercise Level: Select Patient's Exercise Level from these values: Light Intensity, Moderate Intensity or Vigorous Intensity.
- Illicit Drugs: Select from values: Yes or No.
- What was the drug you tried or experimented with? This field will be displayed if the field "Illicit Drugs" is "Yes". Select from these values: Cocaine, Glue or other inhalants, LSD/acid, Marijuana, Methamphetamine or Other.
- Education: Select Patient's Education from these values: Bachelor, Doctoral, Lower Secondary, Master, Post-secondary non-tertiary, Pre-Primary, Primary, Short-cycle tertiary or Upper Secondary.
- Live alone or with others? Select from these values: Alone or With Others.
- Alcohol Intake: Select from values: Yes or No.
- Diet: Select from values: Yes or No.
- Smoking Status: Select Patient's Smoking Status from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Decease Information
- Date of Death: Enter Patient's Date of Death.
- Preliminary Cause of Death: This field will be displayed if the field " Date of Death " contains information.
- Contact Information
- (*) Email: Enter Patient's Email.
- Alternate Email: Enter Patient's Alternate Email.
- Mobile Phone: Enter Patient's Mobile Phone.
- (*) Home Phone: Enter Patient's Home Phone.
- Business Phone: Enter Patient's Business Phone.
- Fax: Enter Patient's Fax.
- Beeper: Enter Patient's Beeper.
- Night Phone: Enter Patient's Night Phone.
- Primary Phone: Enter Patient's Primary Phone.
- Current Address Information.
- (*) Street 1: Enter Patient's Street 1.
- Street 2: Enter Patient's Street 2.
- (*) City: Select Patient's City from the lookup list (click
or press Enter). Depending on the select "State or Province" this field will filter.
- (-) State or Province: This field will be autocompleted with the city’s state.
- (*) ZIP/Postal Code: Enter Patient's ZIP/Postal Code.
- (*) Country: Select Patient's Country from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Previous Address Information
- Same as primary? Select from values: Yes or No. If the value is Yes, the Primary Address will be copy to Previous Address Fields.
- Street 1: Address 2: Enter Patient's Previous Address Street 1.
- Street 2: Address 2: Enter Patient's Previous Address Street 2.
- Residence City: Select Patient's Previous Residence City from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Residence State: Select Patient's Previous State from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- ZIP/Postal Code: Address 2: Enter Patient's Previous Address ZIP/Postal Code.
- Residence Country: Select Patient's Previous Country from the lookup list (click
or press Enter).
- Demographic Information
- Click Save at the top of the screen
- An email will be send to the Patient
- Click on "Portal Invitation".
- Click on "Register
- Complete the required fields: Password and Confirm Password then click on "Register"